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Tellico Village First Responders honored at County Commission meeting for saving villager's life.


The villager was there to recount his story.

Having suffered a heart attack on the Chota tennis courts on February 23rd, a lot of things had to go just right in order for him to be able to tell that tale.

Those things ranged from the 911 call center dispatcher getting help moving, to the Tellico Village first responders who were there in under 4 minutes performing CPR and shocking his heart, to the Priority Ambulance paramedics who continued CPR and cardiac support while transporting him to the hospital.

Having the right people with the right training and equipment showing up that quickly made all the difference with what could have been a much worse outcome.

We are justly proud of our people who were recognized:

-Terry Schade

-Wayne Tinder

-Dennis Benedict

-Mike King

-Bruce Blodgett

The story and presentation is in the first ten minutes of the County Commission meeting. Click the link below to watch.

Note that CPR isn't just for first responders. with the right training, you could save a life.

CRR classes are held frequently at the Fire Department. See our website's "Our Events" tab for information.



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